Future Generation Early Learning Centers are safe, loving, educational, and nurturing environments where your child will get the attention and care that they deserve. We are licensed in the state of New Jersey as a child care facility and exceed all health, environmental, educational and safety guidelines.
Future Generation strongly believes in nurturing the home/school partnership. Continuity of care is a key factor in providing quality child care. An open door and constant communication between home and school creates a strong foundation for a successful early care and educational experience.
Health & Safety
Future Generation follows all health and communicable disease policies as outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics Model Health Policies and Procedures Manual.
Children will be excluded from participation in the program if they exhibit symptoms of any communicable disease. They will not be permitted to return to the program until they are no longer contagious.
In general, children are expected to be healthy each day they attend our program. Future Generation cleans and sanitizes surfaces and toys throughout the day. However, children share everything including their germs. Despite the best efforts of faculty in working with children to remind them to cover coughs and sneezes and to wash their hands frequently throughout the day, it is quite possible that children will catch and share illness in the early education setting.
Due to the extreme nature of allergic reactions to peanuts/tree nuts and products containing peanuts/tree nuts in some children, Future Generation prohibits peanuts/tree nuts and/or foods containing peanuts/tree nuts on Future Generation property and/or Future Generation sponsored events. These peanut/tree nut allergies can be so severe that exposure to peanuts can result in an anaphylactic reaction.
Future Generation curriculum focuses on developing healthy, well-balanced eating habits. Parents are required to provide a full healthy lunch for their child each day they are in attendance.