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The High Scope Infant Toddler Curriculum uses a carefully designed process of learning through discovery.

At our learning center in Bloomfield, Future Generation faculty members encourage infants and toddlers to discover the world around them by exploring and playing.

Learning and development are anchored by long-term trusting relationships with caregivers, who are close at hand to support children as they play.

At Future Generation, caregivers support children’s natural desire to be active learners. Creating an active learning environment for infants and toddlers means consciously considering all their needs- socio emotional, physical, cognitive and socio-linguistic. We believe that:​

Infants and toddlers learn with their whole body and with all their senses.

Infants and toddlers communicate what they know.

Infants and toddlers learn because they want to.

Infants and toddlers learn within the context of trusting relationships.

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